dijous, 20 de desembre del 2007

welcome to Banyoles

Banyoles is a city in Catalonia, Spain.

I'ts a small city, but it is interesting.

I'ts good some nice places, like la

" Muralla and l'Estany de Banyoles ."

Banyoles has got lots of cafes and restaurants. Like " El Rebost den Pere ."

There are lots of streets.

"Plaça Major, Plaça del Teatre, Carrer de la Rambla..."

"L'Estany de Banyoles is like an 8.

Banyoles is at about 100 kmfrom

Barcelona.There's a train station

But it's gota bus station."

dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2007

Jesse McCartney

Jesse McCartney

Jesse Arthur Mc Cartney

Date of birth*:
9 April 1987
Place* of birth:
New York, USA
Star* sign:

Halloween costums

Halloween costumes

On Halloween children* and adults go to
partieswearing* different costumes.
They dress* up as witches*, monsters,
astronauts, gladiators or tigers!

dijous, 22 de novembre del 2007

Trick* or treat!!!

For Halloween, children* go to other
people's houses and say "Trick* or
treat?" If* people* do not give them
sweets*, they play* a trick on them!

dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2007

The nutrients we need

The nutrients we need.

When our body digest food, the nutriens go to all parts of the body. These nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineras, fats and water.
Every tpe of foot contains diffetent nutrients, so it´s important to eat and healthy and varied diet.
Proteins help us grow and repair out boddy. We find them in meat, fish, milk, eggs and legums-
Carbohydratesn include starches and sugar and give us energy They are found in bread, patatoes and rice.
Vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruits help us to grow and keep our body healthy because they protect us from many illnesses
Fats give energy. Thesed are two types of fat: animal fats in eggs butter, fishh and mead, and vegetable fats in olives and nuts.
Water is also assencial for our body because blood is mostly water. Water dissolves the nutrients andand takes them to all parts of our body. Although humans can survive for an extended period without food, we can only survive for about three days without water.

diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2007

words* -cricket


made of woods: feta de fusta
matches: partits
slow: lent
summer: estiu

dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2007



"Cricket is a traditional English sport.
We play cricket in summer*. It is slow*, but dangerous sport - the cricket ball is made* of wood! Cricket matches* last for hours or sometimes days!!!"



The three
thirsty thushes
thanked the thief



*Name: Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll

*Place of birth: Barranquilla, Colombia
*Date of birth: 2 February 1997

*Age: 30
*Star sing: Aquarius.

*She says:
I speak 3 languages:
I write songs in English and Spanish.
I play drums, harmonica and guitar, and I love dancing to!!
*Cucumber sandwitch

Cumber sanwiches are often part of afternoon tea.

-One cucumber
-Four slices of bread
-Salat and pepper

1- Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
2- Spaeard the mayonnaise on slice of bread.
3- Put the cucumber on the bread. Add salad and pepper.
4- Cover with second slice of bread.
5- Coat each sandwich in one quarter.

diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2007

Love marbles

They love marbles*

A man* and a girl* in Australia

played* marbles* for 26 hours.

That's a world* record!!!

happy dogs

Happy dogs

A pet* shop

in England sells* Wedding*

clothes - for dogs.

A dress* costs

150 pounds.

It's funny

Baby Champion.
Olivera is 10 months old. She is the
champion of a crawling*competition
in Serbia. She crawled* 4 meters in 8.6 seconds!!!